We provide transformative solutions for Spatial Development Support

Our goal is to shape the concept of widespread city and smart communities, so as to deal in an innovative way all the territorial issues, in order to improve the quality of life.

A community built both as a connective structure (open, conscious and purposeful), and as an adaptive structure, able to generate data and knowledge and improve its behaviour.

Gear, computer icon, people icon, connection and message icon, idea and messages icon
magnet and people
Engagement strategies

We adopt strategies able to create a lasting bond between the service or the brand and its users, by involving them actively until they become “loyal” and make them involuntary sponsors in their knowledge network. The main tools used are storytelling and gamification.

connection, chat
Social Communities

We create online thematic communities, through the design and development of ad hoc social networking platforms, inside of the web and mobile solutions implemented and designed specifically to achieve the goal.

Social Media & Network Analysis

We use Social Media Analysis for the management of Online Reputation of a service, a Brand or a specific topic, and Social Network Analysis for the understanding of the relationships (links) between users or groups inside a network.

light bulb, message
Culture 4.0

We use the most innovative, immersive and engaging technologies for the culture fruition in all its aspects, in order to enhance and promote the cultural heritage among different types of end users, offering the right solution to each target audience.